A Single Cigarette Butt Can Take 10 Years to Decompose

Treasure the Beach - Clean it Up!

How can you help?

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. You can also join us on the first Saturday of each month to clean the beach of Seaside. Rain or shine, visitors and locals come together to remove trash before it enters or reenters the ocean saving countless lives in the marine environment! Meet at The Seashore Inn (60 N. Prom) on the beach at 9:00 to get your SOLVE bag.

According to NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) once in the water, plastic never fully biodegrades but breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces eventually being dubbed a "microplastic".

For more information, please reach out to the Seaside Aquarium at (503) 738-6211.